all main pages have been revamped.... after i make the landing page, i'll get back to working on the art page again lol
not gonna bother deleting the neocities update thing here cuz the layout's almost done lol
okay so looking through apparently it was some advertising site back in 2012??
to people who've asked, yes, this is v6!! im so excited to finish this fully >:o]
i transferred the wip site onto this account cuz i need to add webrings onto the nav lol
wappydog v6 is currently being made... you wont be able to access the site (unless you still have the links) until revamps are complete o^__^o
jesus christ this better be the new layout because WWTTFFF im so in love and your LOGO??!!! giving y2k logo vibes <3<3
please let me know if anything is broken!!!! faded links in the sidenav are links you cant access at the moment... kaspersky users please add to your trusted domains list!!!!!
also the cbox is gone (kinda. its still active but its not on the site)... direct everything to the guestbook lol
omg you changed the index too??!! i love everything here i love it all!! everything feels so comfortable and nice and creative uuuggghhhhhhhhh