cam's hideout!

1,269 updates
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cams-hideout 1 month ago

ignore this update im just checking if something works since i cant test it locally ,,

WOW i just now realized that i passed 50k views at some point!!! thank u !!! that's crazy!!!!!! i'll have more updates up at some point soonish i prommy
playing around with various options for preloading, sorry if anything shifts around a little bit while i'm testing!
maybe i'll "semi-revive" the old site in a little tiny personal section later. that sounds like a fun little side-thing now that i don't have to worry about showing a messy unmaintained website to ppl who just want my socials or something
overhaul is done!!! i hope the few people that check my site end up liking the new look lol
currently in the process of redoing my entire web site!! trimming the fat, doing a whole re-theming. i hope to have it done within the next day or so i'm really excited !!
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedMar 7, 2022
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personal oc art music portfolio