573 updates
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Very helpful site!
tiddlywiki-programming 5 months ago

Hey, thanks! It is a long-term work in progress.

1 like
Tiddlywiki is a pain to use because there's little to no information about it on the web, but I've seen so many cool things being made with it. How the hell are these people doing it? Through sheer will I guess. I might not have a lot of time on my hands to do nearly everything I want to do all at once, but I'll take that route as well (albiet considerbly slower).
neogeist 6 months ago

A lot of the things I want to do with it are extremely specific which is why I'm having trouble. Like a gallery widget, for example. I have no idea how to do that. If anyone knows anything about TW and has worked with it before, I'd love to be enlighted about it.

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neogeist 6 months ago

Considering I updated this site at like 2am, if there's anything wrong blame the fact I decided to code late at night. I'm going to bed now.

hey, thanks for the follow! i really like your homepage layout with the rainbow hovers -- are you interested in exchanging link buttons?
1 like
neogeist 6 months ago

Thank you! Your site is really neat! I really like your worldbuilding-- it's super interesting; so much to see. Also, feel free to add my button onto your site. I'll add yours in the next site update πŸ‘

neogeist 6 months ago

Your button is on the site now :^]

draggianuniverse 6 months ago

Just added yours. Thanks for the affiliate!

1 like
Fellow half Japanese (salutes). Also, your website looks super cute :]
neogeist 6 months ago

The miscellaneous page is now here, alongside the start of two other pages that are in that catagory: a page that showcases old versions of this website, and a page for F2U graphics I made that people can use on their own sites. Both of these pages are a heavy work in progress and are very barebones at the moment.

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neogeist 6 months ago

God, that preview is terrible.

dexaroth 6 months ago

the previews use a shorter viewport (monitor resolution) when capturing the thumbnails! I haven't figured out what that resolution is but if the preiews bug you too much you could solve this with either making the images responsive or using media queries!

1 like
hi your website is so neato :]
1 like
neogeist 6 months ago

Thank you :]!! Your site is cool too. SO MUCH GREEN... which is objectively the best colour.

1 like
My motivation is kind of low (in general) so I'm just focusing on pushing smaller, more minor updates for now. There's sort of this pressure within me that wants to have big updates for this website every time I decide to update it, but that's my perfectonism speaking, haha.
k-cottonears 6 months ago

Yeah, I know what it's like wanting to do so much...

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Trying to come up with a new art gallery system... πŸ€”
neogeist 6 months ago

Something like this would be easier with dynamic hosting, but I'm trying to come up with an easy solution.

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k-cottonears 6 months ago

Using SvelteKit, I've built mine to sort of use a "read-only database" so info can be updated on multiple pages automatically. Really, this is just a JS array containing objects. I also used a feature called route parameters so I can just have one page for viewing one artwork and not have multiple pages for each artwork. If your using vanilla tools, though, it may be a bit trickier. Just wanted give some ideas.

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neogeist 6 months ago

Do you have any good tutorials on SvelteKit perhaps?

k-cottonears 6 months ago

If you go on the website, they have an interactive tutorial where they'll walk you through every feature you need to know: I'm also considering making video tutorials on SvelteKit, the first one being an art gallery system after seeing your post. I still need to figure out on presentation, I was kinda overthinking that today... 😐

1 like
neogeist 6 months ago

Video tutorials would help out tremendously. I'm looking forward to it if it ever comes out! Thanks a bunch πŸ™

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Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedAug 10, 2022
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art ocs worldbuilding japanese scifi