
4,102 updates
0 tips
made the site mobile friendly... somewhat
hi ! very nice website, but i noticed it's impossible to scroll down some pages, you might want to change the "overflow" value in "body" that is in AOA.html and your index.html for example to "auto" instead of "hidden" !
localfool 3 years ago

Hello! thanks so much for telling me about this! I've tried to fix the problem with the AOA page and fixed the weird scrolling that the about + index pages had so you should be able to scroll in those pages much more easily than previously! If there's something i missed feel free to comment again! :]

1 like
put the sidebar on the right... a bit disorientating at first
i don't think i ever commented on your page, but your website is really cool ! your art is cool nd fun !
1 like
tangotrail 3 years ago

i finally remembered to check out the rest of yr site and YR ART IS COOL N FUN TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 like
edited the comment box... it was quite annoying but it looks fine now, well... i fixed the font problem at least
made the site a bit more... squareish, changed the borders to a rainbow ridge thanks to *insert photo editing software here*
cool website ! added your button to my page :^)
sweetpimiento 3 years ago

thank you! i love the style of your site too, feels comfy

Website Stats

Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMay 26, 2019
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sonic photography art videogames blog