
4,102 updates
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ALRIGHT ! re uploaded it all, delete your cookies/web data for this site and force refresh (shift+refresh button) and it all should be good, have a good day/night everyone!
ok i think im pretty much done with the optimization thing, ill test it out one last time and the website will be down for an hour or two
working on a proper sitemap :) i only recently realized that a site map should have links for all of the pages lolol
i'm working on a sort of revamp for the website, not design wise though, i'm talking optimization of the code etc. i'm working on it offline so when it's done the website will be temporarly unavailable as i will delete all files and re-upload them ! going to try to finish it asap, have a good day/night everyone !
so...i put a comment box on the index page ? not sure if it's ever going to have any use but at least its here lol
Welcome to the Cool Peeps page (aka I linked ya)
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mirages 3 years ago

grazie mille ! B^) will add u back once i make a page for these ^_^

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I ADDED some buttons for my website :) now if you want to link my page you have a pretty new button to do so... cool isnt it ! (also ya gotta link me to where you put my button by commenting here, haha)
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clubnintendoarchives 3 years ago

I've just noticed you have a link to The Surrealist. Now that's a blast from the past! Good to see that site's still around.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedMay 26, 2019
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