!! thank you so much, you're too kind! i've had your website saved too, and i can say the same aha
i'll be adding your button too in the next update then! and please, could you tell me what went on with the guestbook? i'd like to fix it
oh i’m flattered! as for the guestbook the submit button is just appearing gray to me as if it’s non functional. It does nothing when I tried to click it to submit a message! Don’t know if it’s just me, though i tried it on 2 different browsers.
Same for me, had to remove the "disabled" attribute from the button using devtools. Didn't stop me from expressing my love to the site!
i do not plan on using this very much at all... or i dunno. maybe i should post when i update the actual website here. if i remember.
thank you! now im curious though...... what do coins taste like? is there flavour hidden under the endless layers of filth?