
4,846 updates
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velvetblue 1 week ago

reading this made by heart break. i know those feelings well, and i wish i could give you advice, but i havent found any solutions myself. just dont push yourself too hard. youre an amazing person, and i know you can get through this. please stay safe.

vashti 1 week ago

Lisa, if I were there I would hold you. My life is so much better because I know you. I will try to write to you soon. I remember the days when I was working in fast food hell & I would read your emails before work or on break. So much love & strength ♡ You are precious to me ♡

maggotgirl2002 1 week ago

୨୧velvetblue forgive me for moving you in such a way. i appreciate your kind words and sentiment so much, and i will take to heart your encouragement. i wish the same for you, and pray for you and your wellbeing, and relief for you as well. you are too kind, thank you so much.

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maggotgirl2002 1 week ago

୨୧vashti thank you so much for your kindness, no pressure to write before you are ready. i hope you are well, and you are in my prayers. be strong, and know that my heart and spirit is with you, and i am sending you wellness and good health. ♡ my thoughts are with you

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CreatedJan 24, 2022
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