The Home Site of JeremyRedhead

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*eyeing mariteaux & strata, et all* "yall have lost yer fucking minds"
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jeremyredhead 6 years ago

(assuming i can muster some focus, i will get up an article soon elaborating exactly what i mean, and my thoughts on Neocities, nostalgia, "good site design" & **accesiblity**)

dotcomboom 6 years ago

what's this?

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jeremyredhead 6 years ago

seriouslyi can not even begin to describe how frustrated & disappointed i am.

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mariteaux 6 years ago

I'm sorry I have an opinion. I look forward to yours.

rainstormsinjuly 6 years ago

Interested in reading your thoughts. Best of luck with writing up your article.

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strata 6 years ago

Looking at this post for the first time, what have I done wrong? (Also, I was sure I've been following you...)

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lime360 1 year ago

4 years later i replied

jeremyredhead 6 years ago

I could just upload the links page as a WIP. And don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE, and be sure to SMASH that little alarm bell so you get ALL the notifications when I upload!!

imaginings 6 years ago

Nice quotes page. And yes, why google something when you could... TV Tropes it?

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jeremyredhead 6 years ago

just added net neutrality alert banner; actual updates (still) coming "soon", eventually, hopefully, maybe?

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Thank you for your words on the September Project :)
september 6 years ago

er, *Projects, I should say. Hooray for coherence?

wow. more than 40,000 views. thank you so much y'all <3 I wish I had like a surprise update, but, well, I'm still just working on the one I started earlier :P
If you have windows as your os you can rotate images in photo viewer :p
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jeremyredhead 6 years ago

it's something(?)

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slowly but surely trying to get my directory back in order so writing/publishing is not stressful
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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

some new words, fresh off the jeremy-mind griddle! no, really, i just wrote these and i should be sleeping...

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

also, if you haven't heard, there's a serious winter storm/iciness warning for basically just texas. so yea

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joppiesaus 7 years ago

I enjoyed this blag post. thank you. for me it's also weird to see your site growing in views and followers when that wasn't really your goal and you were just having a personal site. Also, I assumed texas was pretty hot considering its lattitude! oh i am so naive lol. have a nice whatever!

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

It usually is pretty hot (especially in Houston), which is mentioned it; a very weird occurence :p

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Yet another blog post about not putting out stuff and blog posts, but this time with a surprise! (just read it please, okay?)

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CreatedFeb 6, 2016
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