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such a cool site! i <3 the pokemon and undertale theming... wanna swap buttons? (i assume the "dreemurr" buttons in the top left/right are yours?)
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dreemurr 9 months ago

oops, i only just saw this! sure thing! iโ€™ll add yours when i get home :) thereโ€™s also more buttons on our about at the top:

1 like
nitw 9 months ago

awesome! got it :) will also add yours when i get home

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1 like
dreemurr 9 months ago

updated flareon's page alongside fennekin's :)

this is so majorly cool!!! love the concept!! :D
1 like
dreemurr 9 months ago

THANK YOU!!! your site is so cool too i like your journal page layout

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Wow! I had the idea of making a in-browser secret base decorator a couple of months ago when i was first working on my site and I was so surprised to not only see someone else also have the same idea but implement it so impressively!! Your site is so great, awesome work ^_^
pamtre-berry 9 months ago

Awwww thank you!! :D

1 like
Your site is SO SO cool i <3 the poketism
shinyexe 9 months ago

hell yeah! poketism 4ever!!!

Updated my fennekin collection page! slowly working on redoing my pokemon hub to make more pokemon pages :) - Chimera
i'm your 400th follower! :P your site is so cool! it makes me happy to see someone so young so passionate about a project like this, keep doing what you're doing :3
swirl 9 months ago

Aa thank you! I've been staring at that followers number for a while hehe.. now it's at a perfect number! @_@ Thank you for the kindness too! ^_^

oh my god i think that xchrisue user turned off their profile after you commented? i tried finding a way to contact them but their profile had been turned off and their email link literally. points to my email.... they have a guestbook though so hopefully they'll see my message.
dreemurr 9 months ago

*and* deleted my comment? jeez :/ i don't get the point of doubling down on stealing exact code when there are plenty of free layouts out there.

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedApr 20, 2018
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