I don't have anything against pop music, because some of the pop music of the 70's, 80's and 90's is fantastic, but I can't stand stuff that you can't tell apart from other bands doing the same thing, or that's forgetable as soon as you hear it.
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I was shocked yesterday when I played one of T.O.A.D'S albums to find that it was bland pop music (the boring AI sounding stuff I complained about the other day.) How does a metal band go to that? I've known bands to change their musical style before (Suburban Rock and Roll and Love You More than Football are different to Spiders and Tin Planet, for example) but they were still listenable. I'm glad that I didn't buy
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I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I have - you do some work on your site and you get someone unfollowing you. I don't get it, tbh. I don't know why people are so picky over stuff.
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I am revamping one of my old fan fiction sites from years ago, but tbh, I don't know what to put on it, other than the old stories. The fan site scene is much smaller than it was even compared to when I was actively maintaining it. Perhaps a Star Wars book review section? I am not the right person to do stuff on the current Disney Star Wars stuff though since I'm not a huge fan of it, so book reviews might be a way
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the two T.O.A.D albums that were bland pop music.