Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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I finally got all the flower bulbs planted today.
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antikrist 6 months ago

ooo what kind?! :D

bright-eyes 5 months ago

It's quite a lot of different varities. I don't know how well they will grow, though because the soil dries out quite easily and it's not easy to dig.

I can't stand R N B music, but my partner has decided that he's finally got fed up of Radio 3 and put on this awful radio station with very tinny irritating music.... I can't work in this room with the noise anyway, but that....
Is it ok to ask a question? I'm looking for places that do unabridged audio books, mainly in the sci-fi and fantasy genre as I'm starting to find reading print books difficult due to changes in my eye sight. Thanks.
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readingproject 6 months ago

I don't listen to audio books, so I'm not a great source of information. Of course you've heard of Audible, but beyond that I'd be doing internet searches myself to find out. Maybe someone on Neocities will see this and have a suggestion for you?

blagi 6 months ago

I'm not sure what it is like in your country, but in mine some libraries have physical audiobooks, as well as subscriptions to services that offer digital ones. Ask your local librarian and see if there's anything that helps!

pikemalarkey 6 months ago

Free legal option > Internet Archive, Librivox, Youtube. Pirated option > search for 'unblockit', you'll find them both on general sites and under 'books'. Paid for option > idk, Audible/Spotify(?)

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nohappynonsense 6 months ago

pike droppin the true knowledge

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bright-eyes 5 months ago

Thanks. I did find one in the UK called Listening Books which is made for folks who have difficulty reading. I'm still OK with reading, but low light and small print are problematic. I got a magnifiier but all that does is give me an headache and our local library doesn't have a large collection of audio books. Audible is great, but it can be expensive, espeaically if you aren't a member. I've been using it for about

bright-eyes 5 months ago

a year now. Books on CD are expensive (think of Wagnar's Ring Cycle on CD and you get the picture.) Alot of books were abridged too in physical format so you miss a lot of story. (I guess it was to cut costs because a large tape/cd collection is expensive to produce.) I'll put links on my site to collections as I find them so it will help out others.

Apparently, after years of making me think that I have type 2 diabetes, the NHS don't know which type of diabetes I actually have...
There were two bees around the heather when I let the dog out. Dog goes after one of the bees, while one bee stays at heather collecting nector. Bee then angrily nudges me on my arm after finishing with the heather. Dog attacks bee, bee's friend is angry and takes it out on me... Who ever doubts that insects have intelligence has not spent a lot of time watching bees.
bright-eyes 6 months ago

The dog has always been a menace around bees, even though we tell him not to do it in case he gets stung.

Really, Adidas? It's not the fans' fault it's yours for approving the crappy design.
bright-eyes 6 months ago

It makes the Ing-gal-land strip fiasco look like naught...

Now that the weather is getting more predictable, I am starting to sort out the room that I hope will be the craft room.
I dislike it when a person from a marginalized group self-flagellate themselves, or other people that are members of that group - like Georgia Man on Radio 3 commenting on a female composer 'composing like a man'. I find it worse than when a man is sexist. It reenforces myths that certain pass times, jobs, etc, aren't open to women. The same can also be said about POC doing these same things. Quit it and behave as
bright-eyes 7 months ago

it's normal for marginalized groups to do things.

There are certain phrases that get on my nerves - hot minute/it's been a minute, it is what it is and it's sick/that's sick (used to mean great, rather than the original meaning...) They are irritating expressions.
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There are some pretty bizarre people on youtube and even though a lot of them are fans and collectors of things I like, I wonder about them...
bright-eyes 7 months ago

And I also wonder about the impact it has on their family and whether they are fed up of their loved one's obsession....

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