majority of older people are callous or deliberately nasty, but life changes your focus.
One of the biggest changes in attitude that I had was after I lost my mum. Before that, I thought that animal rights and environmental issues were the most important! things! ever! It still was a concern to me, but it just didn't seem as urgent, or as big as it was before. You have to put more of your energy into coping and finding ways of compensating for what you have just lost, so the concern has shifted.
Your health also changes what you can do too. Political issues can get you angry (and rightly so), but that anger is also stressful so if you develop an illness when you get older, it places a burden on your health so you are forced to become less involved in things.
returned money after goods not being sent and returning shoddy goods which I now refuse to purchase from.
The majority of the men who are criminals in my area are ones that have had a long history of criminal behaviour in their family, so it is /most/ likely that family has more of an influence on people's behaviour than fictional characters. It's just yet another attempt to pass the blame on to something else than it is to own up to where the fault really lies.