Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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What a load of bullshit... Maybe dads, grandfathers, uncles and older male relatives of all kinds have more of a part to play in how males behave than fictional characters? Stop blaming your shit upbringing of boys on things other than yourselves. (And the same goes for women, too...) It's pathetic, really.
bright-eyes 2 years ago

The majority of the men who are criminals in my area are ones that have had a long history of criminal behaviour in their family, so it is /most/ likely that family has more of an influence on people's behaviour than fictional characters. It's just yet another attempt to pass the blame on to something else than it is to own up to where the fault really lies.

I have quite a number of sketch books that need filling. I bought a pack of 10 from Hobbycraft a few months ago and I might give the ones that I've not drawn in yet a theme/subject. I hope to do some art throughout December, as I've not been doing a lot since I started doing the course - not had time, really, and there is a lot that I'd like to do. I'm not going to do Christmas themed stuff, though. It doesn't
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bright-eyes 2 years ago

inspire me that much.

We may have some snow on Saturday.
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I felt quite bad about my deviant art account a few days ago, but looked at it today and found that people have been liking some of my pieces. Not many, but it is nice... After next week, I shall some free time because the course I am currently doing will have ended.
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The cold weather is well and truly here now.
Oh, one other thing. Young people have always been concerned about political issues like the environment, racism, etc... It's not a new thing. But when you get older, your concerns change. You might even change the way you view things because of experiences you have. You might even get some of the idealism that you had when you are young eroded because you become disappointed with how the world is. I doubt that the
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bright-eyes 2 years ago

majority of older people are callous or deliberately nasty, but life changes your focus.

bright-eyes 2 years ago

One of the biggest changes in attitude that I had was after I lost my mum. Before that, I thought that animal rights and environmental issues were the most important! things! ever! It still was a concern to me, but it just didn't seem as urgent, or as big as it was before. You have to put more of your energy into coping and finding ways of compensating for what you have just lost, so the concern has shifted.

bright-eyes 2 years ago

Your health also changes what you can do too. Political issues can get you angry (and rightly so), but that anger is also stressful so if you develop an illness when you get older, it places a burden on your health so you are forced to become less involved in things.

I take the dog out for a walk every day and one day I can't take him because I don't feel up to it, a fuss is made.
I do like the colours, though, but I can see that I need more practice with these.
It is apparent that when I paint with watercolours, I need guidelines to know where the paint should go... Perhaps I can fix it when it's dried with a bit of smudge-proof fine-liner.
Why is it these days you must argue with companies when they have not fulfilled their obligations to you to get the service that you are due? Last year it happened with a gardening company, this year it has happened multiple times with a catalogue company, it has happened with two different magazine titles and now a subscription box company. A number of years ago, I got ripped off by a clothing company which never
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bright-eyes 2 years ago

returned money after goods not being sent and returning shoddy goods which I now refuse to purchase from.

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