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the votes are now in, and asahidenpa will now broadcast every saturday at 8pm eastern us local time! thanks to everyone for your input. i didn't expect the break to last as long as it did, but the month off was nice. truth is, life has kind of been kicking us in the ass lately, but we're making it through. thank you for your patience, and we hope to see you again next saturday 30 july at 8pm!
hi guys, if you haven't already then please vote in the poll on my front page! i would love to hear listener feedback to help make asahidenpa better for everyone. we can't wait to come back! <3
hi guys, it's been a while! we're planning on ending our hiatus soon, probably sometime next week. asahidenpa is also transitioning to a once-a-week format instead of twice-weekly. you may notice that i updated the front page with a poll! i urge everyone to respond if they can, as the day on the poll with the most votes will be when asahidenpa is held every week. we can't wait to see you again! <3
genosadness 2 years ago

Maybe now I'll actually be able to listen in on one of your broadcasts. I kept forgetting <.<;;

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hi guys, asahidenpa is gonna go on a short hiatus! nothing too long, just a short week or two break from streaming. we'll see you again soon in early july, thank you for listening! <3
tune in tonight at 8pm edt for the stream i couldn't do saturday! <3

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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