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sorry for missing stream last night! something urgent came up, so we had to take care of that. everything's fine now, and you can look forward to the stream on saturday! (for REAL this time)
i've been working on a feature where the title of the song currently playing displays on the listen page. it's still very experimental at the moment, but i'm hoping it'll be a decent solution that'll get the job done. it's kinda janky though, so if it doesn't display right please let me know
wmbu 1 year ago

basically, it's an iframe embedded on the page, set to refresh itself every 15 seconds. the html file within the iframe consists simply of the text "now playing: [song title]", and i would need to manually update it each time a new song plays.

we now have a FANCY NEW DOMAIN NAME!! asahidenpa is now located at, and we're streaming tonight (21 may) at 8pm edt so please tune in if you can make it! i hope to see you there! =]

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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