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no stream tonight, sorry guys. :( there was a really bad storm last night that knocked out our power, and it's still out. we're not sure when or if we'll get our power back today. i am posting this from a sheetz so i can use the internet and charge my devices.
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hi guys! there's another radio station that i like called that plays cool music, and they just released sleepy samples vol 1! i should have shouted out on stream, but they're having another listening party on june 15th @5pm edt @ ! all the songs are made by community members, and they're all super talented!
wmbu 2 years ago

for those curious, sleepy samples is an event in blisscord (sleepyzone discord) where each participant has three days to make a song using a community-provided sample pack. they made so many bangers from this, and it's amazing! the community is super talented and nice!

hi guys, i updated my little site button at the bottom of the page! it's a more compact version of the button that i think looks nicer. the old one is still there too, and is available to use as an alternate site button for asahidenpa if you prefer that one!
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paintkiller 2 years ago

Added to my links page!

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i love the idea of this but i'm in totally the wrong time zone to listen live :( - very cool though! i used to listen to an internet radio station that worked a bit like this ages and ages ago
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wmbu 2 years ago

thank you so much! <3 that's unfortunate about the time zone difference tho

tune in tomorrow 8pm edt im gonna mix some kikuo songs in like sort of a mini-set and play it on stream it'll be epic

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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