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we'll start prolly around 8:30!
we're returning this saturday january 7th @ 8pm et!
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tonight we will be doing the final asahidenpa show of the year! there's a chance it may end up starting at 8:30 rather than 8, so don't be alarmed if that's the case. we'll be taking a break for the holidays, so we'll be back in january 2023! please tune in =]
Sorry for missing pretty much every broadcast since August... University has been kicking my ass. Thankfully, winter break is upon us, so hopefully I'll be able to listen to moar broadcasts!
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wmbu 2 years ago

no need to apologize! i'll be doing another show this saturday, and then i'll be going on a hiatus for a few weeks for the holidays+work.

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i completely forgot today was saturday! josh will be hosting tonight
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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 26, 2022
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