The 107.9 FM Homepage

509 updates
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I'm going to be on a real FM station! 89.3 WHFR. I'll be sure to record it when I get some air time. Also about the archive being down, be sure to support them. For now my radio shows will remain there, but in the future I'll probably self host. Probably when I leave neocities some day.
Sorry to everybody who's been following me. I've been very out of it. I know it's been a year since my last show. Work jsut got in the way and inspiration has dried up. If anybody has any requests, please say so, I'd love to get some outside influence and ideas. Also, browse around the furry ring! Go give them some love and tell them Jay sent you!
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this rocks!!
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New show, don't forget to refresh.
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Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedDec 3, 2021
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music blog radio photography furries