biting my tongue always makes me so mad i punch myself in the jaw. anyway WRITE THAT IDEA, itll be good. and that's right, you're NOT hopeless
Just doing a site overhaul for 2023...nothing crazy...just changing some links.
"I'm not spending a thousand dollars just to play God of "My Wife's Son" 2" looool same though. im happier with my emus and indie games that potatoes can run anyway.
Took a lot of guts to do all that, you should feel proud regardless of how it went. The way you describe her age makes her sound like a smoker. The way she dresses sounds like me, casual as fuck, but I probably would have dressed up a bit for a date. Shows you she did not really care much about it. >Her dad was white. Press X to doubt. 24 and getting dropped off by your parents is fucking strange.
1- utterly based for not respecting the bone-diggers. 2- you did good, don't be demoralized. it's not uncommon for 3's to think they deserve 10's. keep up the momentum and you'll meet a nice girl who isn't a slob. NEXT TIME (because there will be one) know what she looks like first, because even though this was good experience, it couldn't have ended well anyway.
Unless at the end of the date, she pulled off her fat suit like a Scooby Doo villain and was just testing to see if you were shallow.
oh man I remember playing the Hour of Victory demo, it really was unbelievable
Same. It was like a Poor Man's Call of Duty 2. "Follow me Lad!"