haystack blog and oddities

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Hey, thank you for the follow! I think your site layout looks pretty cool but there isn't much content on your site yet. Would be cool to have another look at it when some of the pages go places. :) The anime image on the 404 page looks familiar, what's it from?
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thatoddhaystack 2 years ago

howdy! thanks for checking out my site, was still in the 7 day waiting period for comments hence the late reply. I have big plans for what to put on there, but I am also a person prone to running 5 different projects simultaneously, haha. the image is from You're Under Arrest!, but I haven't actually watched it, that image was just passed around as a meme on twitter and I thought it was funny

pixelglade 2 years ago

That's totally fair. You're Under Arrest is a retro anime so no wonder I thought it was familiar, I love retro anime designs. Good luck with your 5 simultaneous projects haha. :)

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Last updated 23 hours ago
CreatedNov 8, 2022
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art gamedev horror ukagaka programming