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letslearntogether 3 years ago

While I have neither watched nor read fate/zero, your analysis is absolutely fascinating. Humility is often mistaken for weakness, when in fact it is one of our greatest strengths, for it allows us to learn from everyone. The dichotomy between "self" and "other" is obliterated when All are truly equal, when All are ONE. This is exemplified by just about every spiritual teaching in some way...

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surenaga 3 years ago

Thank you for the undeserved praise. I'm not someone that's very knowleadgeable of spirituality, I'm simply tired of cynical media. Fate/Zero is the equivalent of the philosophy 101 student trying to convince other people that war is good actually. Yang Wenli has a few things to say about that. Which reminds me I'll need to write an article on LoGH at some point...

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