~S u p e r N o v a~

7,517 updates
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Welp, I guess I stayed up all night. It's morning but i'm still not tired? It's not the first time, but its still weird that I don't feel tired at all.
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I may or may not have redone the entire homepage. Ever since I started the site I wasn't sure if I wanted bright or pastel colors, but after making the about me page, I decided I would dedicate the home page to pastels, plus I cleaned up the layout a bit since I've gotten slightly better at coding (the page is still a work in progress though)
Ok im really worried about how my website looks to other people, because im using a chromebook and i have no idea how it looks on monitors with bigger screens. So, how does it look to you guys..?
arcobaleno 2 years ago

using laptop and looks great :3

1 like
ylfvas 2 years ago

it looks good on my 1400 px display but ill check on my larger monitor when i have access!

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supernxva 2 years ago

Thanks! I don't have access to a larger monitor, so i've just been hoping my layout is good enough :')

hey, how did you get music to play on ur dreams page without being a supporter? i have found a few options for music but i have no idea which is best.
ollys-site 2 years ago

not op, but you can host mp3s offsite (e.g. discord, catbox, etc. sadgrl has some useful links) and then link to them here with the html default audio player.

supernxva 2 years ago

Im so sorry I didn't see this earlier, but you just get the html embed from youtube, and at the end of the url part, add "?autoplay=1". Then you just change the width and height to only a few pixels so that you can't see it.

Congrats on getting 1 million views!!!!!!!! :D
This is such a cool concept for a site! Typing out "codes" to navigate the site is awesome. I've never seen another website like this :D
This site is so underrated! Even though it's just starting out, the home page looks really nice! :D
interstellar-shipwreck 2 years ago

thank you!! this is just a lil side project of mine, looks nice but the codes messy messy messy. i dont know much about neocities yet. does it still have the social component that geocities originally did?

supernxva 2 years ago

I honestly don't know. I haven't been using neocities for too long either, so I'm still checking things out.

Website Stats

Last updated 8 months ago
CreatedJun 30, 2022
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personal pastel