this is actually happening to me like right now! got on neocities today & it took a while to load
Me: nah, I don't think so... Oh look a website!! Let's click it!! Browser: ¡¡Adiós!!
yeah it's taking a while to load the site and whenever i go on ppls sites it like freaks the fuck out,, and to even post this comment i have to reload the page like twice
when i go on ppls sites it loads totally fine, but the actual neocities feed / dashboard is not loading.... also it's totally not updating my pages when i change the CSS
yeah exactly,, and i can't find any like support faqs or anything so i guess we're stuck like this until it decides to stop
anyways i'm changing the settings on my guestbook bc some dumbass thot a good passtime would be to harrass a 15 yr old,, literally the only rule in my guestbook was to be nice but whatever
WTF... what was the purpose?? What did they want to achieve?? Hope they have a bad life lol
@hekate exactly idrk what they wanted bc it's clear they don't have their own site? its all deleted now but they like spammed my gb with hebrew bible verses and said they knew where i lived lmao
i've noticed somebody going to a bunch of websites and leaving awkward, mean comments in the past day or two. could perhaps be that same person/troll. that sux
yeah i bet its that weirdo w the cam system who got locked out of his account pfft
its the sylendanna remix of bloodstains by 100 gecs! i found it on soundcloud :3
here it is!