DShifter's Place - Home

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dshifter 1 year ago

Rewrote the Yesterweb link since I just discovered the webring was shut down.

Finally got around to updating my site! Added more art, a couple more discs, and deleted some works I abandoned. I'm back, baby!!!
punkray 1 year ago


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How do I download my entire site without having to download some api biz off github? Apparently my site is too big to download as a zip lol
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arandomsite 1 year ago

just download it

cinnamuff 1 year ago

The way I went about downloading my entire site was just copying and pasting the code from the Neocities editor onto Notepad++ and saving the files as an HTML, CSS, etc and putting them into their respective folders. Probably the most time consuming method but it helped me without having to download any extra programs. 🤷‍♀️

dshifter 1 year ago

That seems a little tedious, but probably the best solution for a broke ahh mf like me lol

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cinnamuff 1 year ago

Yeah it's definitely time consuming :'/ I can't think of any other method that doesn't require downloading something atm though haha

I need to update this place....
oh yeah a few weeks ago I learned I have Non-Celiac's Gluten Sensitivity. Fun! That solves 90% of my depression issues lol
neat place you got here!
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedOct 8, 2019
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programming art furry music personal