DShifter's Place - Home

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holyshitfuck 150k views, up from 100k just one day ago who is viewing my website and where's the traffic coming from if not from the Archive???
dshifter 2 years ago

I need to get to updating my site, this is incredible..

dshifter 2 years ago

like, just yesterday alone my site had 20,000 unique visits and 336,000 hits, I cannot begin to fathom these numbers... and I'm a natural mathematician! what

melonking 2 years ago

Intresting, you, me and sadgrl are all having the same view boost that started on the same day! I wonder what the connection is!

arandomsite 2 years ago

im having like the opposite lol

Woah woah! Thank you everyone for 100,000 visits! I never dreamed I'd hit the fancy 6 digit mark! I'll be updating my site in a couple of days' time to celebrate (and update some stuff :3)! Can't wait to get my artistry back in business as school stresses die down, I'm sure you all have missed my regular weekly doodles. =:3
do you have any dragon sprites from Bahamut Lagoon from the SNES?
theenderdraco 2 years ago

oh!! i don't think so, sorry- i've never actually heard of that game before jjbsgjkd

dshifter 2 years ago

aye no worries, it's a fairly obscure game to begin with so I don't blame you

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Just stopping by to say hi! My site is gaining a lot of traction because we're right next to each other on the Yesterweb Webring, so I want to say thank you for that. I think the old media preservation stuff and the fact that you've gotten a huge Youtuber in Wendigoon to make a video about your site is absolutely amazing! Please keep up the good work, and I hope you're taking all this new attention well. =:3
Dude I freaking love the condensed, specific but indescribable dark and dank aesthetic your site has. Back a few years when I was trying to design my site, I was trying to create a darkish style somewhat similar to what you've made, but I could never pull it off. Definitely linking your site under my cool sites area :D
1 like
punkray 2 years ago

AW thank you so much!!!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedOct 8, 2019
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