Drop n' Spin Dash!!!

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hello everyone i'm sorry if i'm bothering you but i would like to hear feedbacks on the mobile version of my website, this will be very helpful for me because it will help me to know what i can fix and/or improve thank you very much if you take time to write feedbacks
buttermilkbear 9 months ago

jsyk the sonic pagedoll on your diary page blocks the content, making it a bit hard to read your pages on mobile, though awesome work as usual :D

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mspaintdemon 9 months ago

Just went to check and everything looks great so far! The only thing I can say is that your site can be image heavy at times which made loading pages slower on mobile than on a laptop but other than that the layout looks good on mobile!

wackyworkbench 9 months ago

context: my phone is old, it's a samsung note 8; the site pages load very large and in the top most corner so I have to zoom out to properly view them but I'm unsure if that's bcuz of my phone's resolution or not, also the pages load horizontally so I have to tilt my phone to view the site but I like that! everything looks and loads fine and isn't an problem at all!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 13, 2022
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sonicthehedgehog classicsonic sega sonic