Dingo’s Den

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Dingo’s Den was updated.
1 day ago
Dingo’s Den was updated.
3 days ago
Dingo’s Den was updated.
5 days ago
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Dingo’s Den was updated.
6 days ago
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Dingo’s Den was updated.
1 week ago
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long shot, but ages ago i came across a neocities site that used arrows for differentiating their internal vs external links (which inspired me to do the same). i want to find it again, to peek through their code, so if anyone knows who i'm thinking of, please let me know! i'm pretty sure they had a blue theme and wrote about accessibility...?
Thanks for the follow! Your service dog is beautiful 🤩
dingosden 1 week ago

thanks! he is lol, people always think he's a girl because, quote, "he's too pretty to be a boy" lmao

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Dingo’s Den was updated.
2 weeks ago
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changed name! warrigal -> dingosden (warrigal still exists as an empty site)
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minor code fixes: changed text styling to be more inline with semantic html & accessibility (i wrote a reminder to myself at / but i'm not sure if others can see it without saving the file, sorry. maybe i'll put it in a .html page of its own?)

Website Stats

Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedJan 1, 2021
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alterhuman transgender personal coding accessibility