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thelesserword 9 months ago

Well Didn't Ask, if you want to be alone with God, you could try offering one decade of the Rosary each day. If not that, then with all your heart and soul, one Hail Mary, since according to St. Louis De Montfort, one Hail Mary, devoutly prayed, outweighs an entire 15 decade Rosary prayed carelessly.

thelesserword 9 months ago

Also, if you know you're weak and pitiful, that's good. Means God's working on you. If you really wish to spend time with God, then go to adoration, read a book written by a Saint (Secrets of the Rosary is good), read the Bible, or do any number of these things in front of the blessed Sacrament. We're losing time, according to our Lady of Akita, so prepare yourself to meet Him, either at your death or His 2nd coming.

One of my favorite websites I have come across so far.
didntask 9 months ago

that means a lot to me, thank you :)

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You Will Never Be a Woten: Why ePagans Are Worse Than eGirls
didntask 10 months ago

Throwing that in the list of articles I'll finish by 2030. TATTOOED IN MY BRAIN is Big Tech's immediate betrayal of Nick Fuentes, America First, and Christianity, after being told to stop being a drama queen on NJF:Hey, I'm trying to save America, can you not antagonize the other streamers on my site? They're supposed to be your friends" *BT scurries on all 4 paws to Rumble* "SPECIAL GUEST TODAY, ADAM GREEN"

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didntask 10 months ago

Rabbi Green, please tell me more about your incredible theories that jews puppet-mastered Christians into repressing them in order to amass more power than if they'd never been opposed in any way at all throughout history.

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didntask 10 months ago

RETARD. I'm in a bad mood. Why... Hm. Anyway hope YOU'RE having a good one, HAPPY and FUN new CONTENT later.

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dc-blog 10 months ago

oy vey shalom shabbat

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

Zhang Bang still wasn't paying any attention.

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holeinmyheart 3 years ago

"avengers is the greatest crossover" "hold my alarm girl"

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My Father is a Skeleton - ABSOLUTE KINO

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CreatedJan 14, 2021
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