Porn Is Dicey

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based website. recovery isn't linear, remember that. i believe in you and you should believe in yourself
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I was following you on another site, but I'm here on my main to say I still really like your site. I'm celibate and quite asexual so it's interesting to read someones journey from a world I've never seen. glad to see you're getting back to good habits! relapse is upsetting but normal
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didntask 7 months ago

The nav nightmare is real, I think you've inspired me to finally learn some js and make my life easier. Thank you for doing what you do and looking good doing it 🫡

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pornisdicey 7 months ago

@didntask Awesome to hear that, Astro is awesome if you wanna learn that. Btw idk how to reply on Neocities am I doing it right

Based website. I hope it gets better. I think some other reasons why porn is harmful are 1) you're watching someone you're attracted to have sex with someone else, which is cucked, and 2) you're watching people whose job it is to have choreographed sex with their coworkers and pretend that they're enjoying themselves. To think that we live in a society where that's a job.
pornisdicey 7 months ago

It's been getting better for some time now, thankfully. Cheers for reading!

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CreatedDec 19, 2022
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