Eloquently expressed. That is a very important topic. I look forward to the day that people don't try to control one another. I found this research helpful: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/ Maybe it could help others? Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! And that exact site/document was actually a huge resource and eye opener for me when I began to realize I was raised in a cult, so yes! That's definitely a great piece to share
slightly related, but do you mind posting the code the reddit user gave you to optimize for mobile?
Yeah! I got you covered, gimme a minute :3
yj5hNDFI2L If someone else somehow gets to it first, or you wanted more, just let me know and I can grab another!
Thanks, Mish!! Is there anything you'd like me to draw?
Not a problem at all! Also if you want you're free to draw one of my chars here ( https://toyhou.se/mysteryslug/characters ) but honestly- I have so many invites it's not a problem for me haha! So, no need to do it :3
Can I have one? Ive been trying to get one for SO LONG