
1,456 updates
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Thanks for the follow! Your artworks are incredible :)
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gammagoop 3 months ago

awh thank you!!

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Hello and thank you for following! Visiting your site brings me a sense of warmth and cosiness, and I can't wait to see the progression of your work!
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clowdywings 4 months ago

why thank you!! that's so nice of you to say! i love the cyberpunk/tech aesthetic of yours, and all the animations are so cleverly done!

1 like
We both have page transitions, which is too cool! of course I'm viewing your site on mobile. Congrats on working on a double degree. Brainiac central!
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cyberverse 4 months ago

Thank you! I admire the interactive nature of your site and also your multidisciplinary talents! I'll be following you back :)

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Thanks for following! I appreciate the cosiness of our website :3 Looking forward to when your blog posts get published!
Thanks for the follow! I had meant to follow your site a while ago when I first found it, but I'm just glad I found it again! ^_^
This whole time no one could see the memes in my gallery... T_T But I fixed it now ^_^
skep 4 months ago

Not true, I saw them a couple weeks ago! I very strongly identified with the one about em dashes.

1 like
cyberverse 4 months ago

@skep Phew, I'm so glad to hear! I was worried when I couldn't see it in my browser, and assumed wrongly that that's what everyone sees. That reminds me, I will have to update that album this week :P

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedMay 1, 2024
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lasergrid cyberpunk personal