This was a good read!! Shoes are such an important part of feeling comfortable in your clothes because like... if your feet are hurting, then so is the rest of your body! And you don't want to feel that way at work especially. ; __ ; Good luck on finding the perfect pair! Also, your coord in this is so cute! Lovely balance of cute and comfy!! ♡
@inkcaps thank you! I wasn't sure if it would be interesting for other people to read about, but I know it will be useful for me to look back to and remember :) and it might be useful for somebody who is considering making lolita a part of their daily life, or who is just interested in what sort of things somebody might consider when putting together a lolita coord.
Ahhh, I'm going to catch up with your journals soon, but I ADORE your button! It's so perfect for your current webdesign and I'm definitely going to add it to my neighborhood :D
@inkcaps thank you! I made it myself, it was really difficult x) I'd like to improve it someday. I'll put your button on my site too, soon - there are so many things that I want to do!
Bought something from my wishlist and it arrived! It's gone onto the JSKs page. I've also created a page for socks and tights - only added a couple of things to it yet though, I need to upload pictures.