:: CREPUSCULAR : Post-Industrial Ambient Music ::

1,136 updates
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Site works more or less acceptable on desktop, but on mobile, well, not so much.
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New changes made some mess here and there. Will fix them after my job.
Ive made changes in the whole site. Always under construction...
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Found this mix I made on 2011, "The Automaton Winter Theatre : musick selection to honor the beginning of winter",including tracks from Merzbow, Nordvargr, Lunus, Subklinik, Linija Mass,Nicole 12, Bocksholm,Melek-Tha + some tracks by me. Get it at :
an attempt to add a gallery with pics was made,its works but in a bizarre way. Will try to figure out how to fix it.
Hi, incredible vinyl collection you have, ( Kyuss !!!!!! ) . For the grunge bands let me suggest you Mudhoney and Screeming Trees for future writings. Also, nice music on your player, btw Helmet !! absolute yes !
happymonkey 1 year ago

Thanks for the comment! I can't believe I forgot to write about Screaming Trees but I'll get on that soon, Mark Lannegan was incredible. I haven't listened to much Mudhoney but I liked what I heard so I'll listen to some more. Also yeah man Kyuss and Helmet are sick

1 like
Love the site, it matches the vibe of your music really nicely! Dark ambient seems interesting and yours is pretty cool!
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crepuscular 1 year ago

Hey, thank you very much for your time to check out my site and for your comment. It is appreciated . Greetings

Killer site ! amazing work with those guitars and techs, also lots and lots of interesting info.
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 14, 2023
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music postindustrial ambient darkambient industrial