Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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Doesn't happen often on here, but Neocities should allow you to block people properly if you want to, and stop them from following your site.
My mood today has been crap. Wouldn't surprise me at all if it turns out to be the anniversary of Misty's first pyro opp. Don't even want to check, tbh.
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Yep, US sellers on etsy definitely over charge on postage when they ship over seas.
bright-eyes 2 years ago

The one I am talking about is for a magazine being nearly £20 for postage. It's not right at all.

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Buy something from Canada on etsy, costs £3 to deliver. Buy something from the US (approx the same thing!) and you pay £11 or more...
I'm just fed up today. I think part of it is because it's getting very close to the anniversary of loosing Jaffa and Colin, combined with the frustrations caused by other things. But the dogs are probably what's causing my mood to be worse than it should be.
Apparently, a third of people in their late 40's have chronic health conditions and I have most of them. Nice to know what I'm headed for (but it's still only down to smoking, eating shit and drinking, right? None of which I do...)
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bright-eyes 2 years ago

Can't possibly be genetics...

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arkmsworld 2 years ago

Ah, but, perhaps when you reach your late 40's, you will drop those conditions at the door and leave them behind. :)

Although I love Star Wars, I dislike the way that merchandise for female fans is either 'Baby Yoda' Porgs, or Ashoka Tano related. I've not seen the Mandalorian, with it being on Disney+ (and 'baby Yoda' doesn't appeal to me, anyway), I have no interest in Porgs because I'm not a fan of the sequels, and I don't get the obsession with Ashoka because there are many other female characters in Star Wars that I like more
bright-eyes 2 years ago

but as most of them are from the pre-Disney/pre-2nd Clone Wars animation they are largely ignored.

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Today has been a complete disaster. Washing machine has packed up.
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I knew decopatch papers were expensive, but £5 for only 5 sheets when you can get more from other brands? Erm....
One of the frustrating things I find with 24th scale miniatures is that accessories are thin on the ground, especially in the UK. Today, I bought some plant scenery which is designed for smaller scales in the hope that I can decorate the front of the house with it. I find very little plants and flowers miniatures of the right scale in the UK, though in some ways it shouldn't matter because the sizes of plants in rl
bright-eyes 2 years ago

vary quite a bit - I have sunflowers growing in pots in the garden (small ones) - they are the same variety but some flowers are huge, others have taller stems, others are short or have smaller flower heads. I also bought a dragon that will go in the house if it doesn't look out of place size wise.

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