I've accidentally deleted a few comments to which I intended to reply myself! If you dilute the mix's vinegar so that its proportion doesn't exceed 40%, its odor shouldn't persist.
links: The Jargon File, PeaZip, Gnome MPlayer, ReZound, ABClock, Alarm Clock, cairo-clock, Dali Clock, DClock, morla, Comical, QComicBook, FDclone, lfm, PCManFM, pfm, Baucom, Kirk (ASCIIQuarium, TextMaze), Block Rage, GNU Chess, ctris, Falling Block Game, jTans, Heroes, PrBoom+, Luola, Monster Masher, Monsterz, Snes9x (x2), Puck-Man, Ri-li, SDL Asylum, Schemel, Holger (Mirror Magic, Rocks'n'Diamonds), Simplevaders...
...Trip on the Funny Boat, Which Way is Up?, Word War vi, XBill, XBoard, XBubble, XMascot, Zawinski, Jamie (DadaDodo, Dali Clock, XScreenSaver), Zaz, AzPainter, gbdfed, GrafX2, Pixelize, GNU Paint, AA-Project, ansiweather, The home page of David Ingalls Bell, calcurse, catdoc & xls2csv, Coreutils, lolcat, Mark's Projects, Nitrogen, Nyan Cat Telnet Server, Pauker, thinglaunch, thingylaunch, TkDVD, Umix, xoscope...
...GNU Bash, fish, evilvte, LXTerminal, xvt, mrxvt, GNU Diffutils, GNU Wdiff, CADUBI, CSSED, e93, FeatherPad, fxite, LE, ReText, Ted, Tetradraw, Yudit, Lynx, qutebrowser (whew)
CFS-2017: "The Diary of a Teenage Girl" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/05/29/execrable-the-diary-of-a-teenage-girl/
links: GNU bc; CFS-2017: "The Manhattan Project" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/06/04/palatable-the-manhattan-project/