So I was late this week. Big deal. I'm a child of divorce. |
That's an excellent question! Incredibly, no. As an antonym to pozzed, based is a rare term of post-'80s black slang that's actually worth uttering.
I'll take note. I actually first found out it was black in origin just a few days back, despite hearing it regulary since atleast 2019.
--------~~~~~~~==]====]==;< <"ahh!"
CUUUUUUUUUUTE!! ^^3--------~~~~~~~==]====]==;< <"ahh! <33333333333333333333333333333333333 |
CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!! ^^3--------------~~~~~~~==]====]==:> ooo"Nice"-------------------------------- <33333333333333333333333333333333333
CUUUTE!! BABY!! ^33^ YOUU are cute!! ^33^ ^^3]==:< ^^3`o` <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
Like the personal dictionary and many documents now organized in exogenous hodgepodge, the Video Files are now indexed in a plain text file generated weekly/biweekly from output of ls. Likewise, the now-defunct Audio Collection* has been supplanted by a plain text index of Audio Files that's equiparably generated and formatted.
As only HTML files are visible in updates of one's NeoCities feed, the updates file -- which is now formatted as a sequence of heirarchical lists -- will be more prominent and crucial to accessibility than before.
*As the nigh-totality of my audio collection on tapes and discs has been recorded/ripped to audio files, the RAF comprehends considerably more than the RAC did. Scans of booklets and inlay cards featured in and intended for the RAC will eventually be presented on the forthcoming site, Scans and Snaps.
------~~~~~~~==]====]==:< <"Eh, a little lexicographical edit" :o <"Baby edit"
BABY!! ^33^ ^^3 ------~~~~~~~==]====]==:< <3333333333333333333333333333
^^3:o <333333333333