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CFS-2017: "In Like Flint" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/07/09/palatable-in-like-flint/
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D <3333333333333
RAC: "The House of the Devil;" CFS-2017: "Fatal Charm" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/07/02/mediocre-fatal-charm/
She should be! :((((((
lolooaaal yeah! ^u^
Amazing, thanks!
0x09tf, I accidentally deleted your comment. Sorry, and thank you!
CFS-2017: "Batman: The Movie" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/06/25/palatable-batman-the-movie/
holy geronimo penis batman! :D
Holy barfolomeww teenis, Batman!
holey baloney balloonpants batman!!
Holy potentially interminable exchange, Batman!
photos-2017: wild roses!
holy tumbling buttbangles, batman!
Holy rolling turdbangers, Batman!
holy mr mallonagen caught ya on tape, batman!
Holy pantsless pool poltroon, Batman!
holy twirlin shrimps, batman!
Holy whirling dervisheses, Batman!
holy mappyland mouse, batman!
Holy pill-popping Pac-Man, Bat-man!
holy bugle bungling, batman!
Holy crusty trombone, Batman!
holy barfballs supreme, batman!
Holy emetic extremities, Batman!
holy peepeeing snailios, batman! :D
Holy testicular torsion, Batman!
D: holy ouch batman, batman!
RL: hundreds more books by Dickens, Fleming, Foster, Herbert, et al.
Next year! (mraaowr)
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CFS-2017: "In Like Flint" | https://robertbuchanan.info/CFS/2021/07/09/palatable-in-like-flint/
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D <3333333333333