
1,791 updates
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Finally added some more sites I follow to my linkroll. Unfortunately, I don't have room, nor the imagination to write good blurbs for all of them, so that's why you might be relegated to the bottom section...
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novov 3 years ago

Such placement doesn't indicate an inferior site btw: I put all of them there, both old and new, except those I know outside Neocities, non-Neocities sites, and a few others to showcase variety

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novov was updated.
3 years ago
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novov was updated.
3 years ago
novov 3 years ago

refresh of the heraldry page, it looked kinda crap before

All pages should now be fully compliant with the W3C HTML validator. Also, I've fixed some errors regarding the lightbox in the sketchbook/art I like pages (namely, that it would reset scroll, and it would sometimes show the previous image).
novov was updated.
3 years ago
I now have a new domain -
satyrwoud 3 years ago

Excellent! I’ve updated my links out

novov was updated.
3 years ago
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novov was updated.
3 years ago
novov 3 years ago

Mostly just optimising stuff, but I also updated the music page

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novov was updated.
3 years ago
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novov 3 years ago

just making some of my heavier pages load faster

novov was updated.
3 years ago
novov 3 years ago

one new item in the linkroll and one in the sketchbook, check them out (if you want to, ofc)

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 23, 2020
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design heraldry art graphicdesign software