
1,465 updates
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nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
themby 1 year ago

Happy birthday for yesterday! Glad to hear you had a nice day.

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bloodtypeoh 1 year ago

happy birthday :^)

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added balloons on my homepage for my birthday!! kinda like how twitter does it but cooler i think
humanfinny 1 year ago

happy birthday!! <3

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nalfae 1 year ago

^^ thank you ! <3

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getcubed 1 year ago

super cool! happy birthday!!

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clownbonk 1 year ago

happy birthday~~ :o)

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bruisedgh0st 1 year ago

have a wonderful birthday !!

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crows-nest 1 year ago

happy birthday!! :D *throws confetti*

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nalfae 1 year ago

thank u all 4 the happy wishes :00

xomii 1 year ago

happy birthday!!! :D

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nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
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nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
my first shrine is now complete!!! i made a domo shrine :) very happy with how it turned out i love coding
crows-nest 1 year ago

aah its super cute! domo <3

arlita 1 year ago

i love it!! i loved domo back in the day, he def appeared on my piczo :D

bloodtypeoh 1 year ago

it came out great!!

nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
recently switched back to firefox and its so weird how some stuff that shows on other browsers can look different on another.. anyways i fixed it so now it shouldn't be too different now
nalfae 1 year ago

woah okay just barely realized my chatbox doesn't show on firefox?? WHAT okay this is weird , i'm just gonna add a link to my nav i guess so people can use it there too?? hmm

bloodtypeoh 1 year ago

cbox is working for me! welcome to the firefox squad btw

nalfae 1 year ago

@bloodtypeoh that is soooo strange, it completely doesn't show on mine?? so weird.. ill keep using firefox though >:)

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humanfinny 1 year ago

yay firefox gang :D

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vukky 1 year ago


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nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
turned off autoplay on all the pages, i think it's better to let people have the option to play my silly little songs instead :) also got tired of hearing the same song play whenever i had to preview my page LOL
nalfae! was updated.
1 year ago
matfloor 1 year ago

i'm still lucky to be able to use dumbphones where i live and i'm still trying to pick what one i actually want... honestly at this point switching to one would be easy for me since i already use separate camera and my ipod (i should finally swap this battery,,,). i like older smartphones though and older samsungs are really good (and sturdy) phones, i even used a 2016 j3 for a good while recently.

arlita 1 year ago

agree x1000 on everything you said, but esp about missing physical home buttons!!

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CreatedAug 21, 2022
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