Let's Find Pokemon! FOUND

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To the person who left a message about LFP Postcard book scans at @pkm_jp on twitter - you are literally an angel sent from heaven. This page has SO MUCH good stuff and these scans look great AND from doing digging on here i also was led on a path where i discovered that Kazunori Aihara illustrated the pokemon red and green guidebook (japan exclusive). THIS IS HUGE INFO THANK YOU!!!! - Prof Abel
letsfindpokemon-found 2 days ago Link to the guidebook in case you are curious, i will be adding it to Aihara's page at some point soon!! Still taking a bit of a break from the site to recover from my last big project but HAD to report back about this find. - prof. Abel

OKAY! With the page now finished and extra insights added (including materials used to create the scene) - I am now officially declaring the Let's Find Pokemon! XY page DONE! Thank you everyone for the kind words :3 this project was a lot of work and i really love it and im so happy that i could do this for this series ! Someday- if I get to meet Aihara, I really want to give him a print of this ... - Prof abel
letsfindpokemon-found 1 week ago

What's next?? Im gonna take a break from this site for a bit before returning back to the maps project! I have some translations of the bonus stories that Shiningforcelibrary kindly and epicly provided me which also need to be added. I also want to try my hand at retitling / adding translated text to the Find Pokemon! books... more to come! In the meanwhile, Happy Searching, Trainers :3 - Prof. Abel

3 likes IT IS DONE OH MY GOD! This was a ton of fun and I will write more about the process of making this and what I learned! In short, this took 80 hours of drawing, over a year of ideating, and was some of the most fun I've ever had with a project :3 I'm so excited to see what yall think!! - Prof Abel
jr-wonderwander 1 week ago

Its slowly loading on my end (probably me), but looks incredible so far.

space-cowboy 1 week ago

It's great!!! So faithful to the official style, your hard work definitely paid off. Amazing job, congratulations!

getcubed 1 week ago

found them all! you really captured the spirit of the og books so well! looks absolutely amazing

shiningforcelibrary 1 week ago

this is amazing, there are so many little scenes to find and enjoy. Tyrantrum shopping is my favorite, but the avalugg fight ring, the frogadier struggling to climb, the gogoat eating a flower... it's all so lively, congrats, this is fantastic work

I had no idea those books existed; great site!
BEEN HARD AT WORK ON THIS! Big project revealed with a brand new pag - ! Check out my (in progress) scene from the missing/nonexistant "Let's Find Pokemon! XY" :3 I'd love to know what your favorite interations you see are ! Happy Searching, trainers ! - prof. Abel
getcubed 3 weeks ago

how amazing!!! i love that espurr in the window haha


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CreatedJan 19, 2024
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