my goddd. alright I thought my hard work was gonna go to waste because the css kept resetting to the old version, but I'm glad it works now. ctrl + shift + r is a lifesaver.
added a site map page and updated some of the other existing pages.. the index hasn't updated on my end by the time of commenting but !! I'm sure it's just slow eheh.
ohhh my GOD okay added a blog page...and cleaned up the home page as much as I could for now. FINALLY mobile responsiveness is working. I'm not gonna update the neocities button yet I'll do that when I'm gonna have to add some bigger stuff here. I need to sleep
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alright hello, first message! Just playing around with layouts and some more css right now, but I'm not gonna be able to work on it too much yet because of school. Thanks for visiting and dropping by though! This is just a sample text thing.
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my goddd. alright I thought my hard work was gonna go to waste because the css kept resetting to the old version, but I'm glad it works now. ctrl + shift + r is a lifesaver.