2,791 updates
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thinking of adding an "about me" page, idfk
blackmagegaming 2 years ago

I think you should go for it!

genosadness 2 years ago

I just moved the big button to the bottom lol, don't bother actually checking

1 like
Love the art, love the characters, love the banter. B3
1 like
Neat site ;D
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1 like
Sorry for missing pretty much every broadcast since August... University has been kicking my ass. Thankfully, winter break is upon us, so hopefully I'll be able to listen to moar broadcasts!
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wmbu 2 years ago

no need to apologize! i'll be doing another show this saturday, and then i'll be going on a hiatus for a few weeks for the holidays+work.

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedNov 5, 2018
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art writing video