Flying With Quills

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New layout finished! It's still a teeny bit hodged podged but I like it. Also someone on my guestbook said "saying heavy gore is an exception to nsfw is absolutely insane, i don’t understand how you can call yourself moral or christian and be okay with that kinda stuff!" and I've gotten that kind of blow-back a LOT (one guy told me I'm a devil worshipper XD) so expect a post talking about -
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flying-with-quills 6 months ago

why I think the horror genre is (well, cool, I love creepy things and monster designs) and an important media method

flying-with-quills 6 months ago

Although actually maybe I should change the wording on the rules anyway since I meant moreso "extreme horror" rather than "the most awful bloody array you've ever laid eyes on." And that's a pretty reasonable complaint _(:з)∠)_

moheb-rofail 6 months ago

Your new homepage is way better than the old one, u really well done.

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someotherstranger 6 months ago

With stuff like gore, I think it depends on the intent, like "displaying the horrors of war to make a point about why war is awful", which is much different than glorifying such things. It might be worth clarifying in the rules.


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CreatedJul 30, 2023
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personal writing journal christian faith