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Really cute, love the pixels and the spacey background :)
thank you so much! that means a lot to me!
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bigish update XD
you're not alone! i get the same sort of anxiety about this place ^^; partially why i don't interact much with the community... it'll be ok tho! just try your best not to worry about it
thank you ❤️
dw about it. I can't imagine you ever getting into that stuff
removed the yesterwebring
farewell, old friend
ah damn i just thought u picked those colors cuz they look nice !
nah, i'm really bi lol XD
same here, sister
read it anyway!!
double whoops! the link 404s. you want ^_^
have lots of fun!
thank you!!
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Really cute, love the pixels and the spacey background :)
thank you so much! that means a lot to me!