Digital Cheese's Website

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Going to redesign soon, I'll figure out how I should do the website buttons due to how many can be added. I'm thinking of just pouring them together rather than doing anything crazy, but we'll see.
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

The redesigns I make will add TONS of links to the list, it will likely have the longest table of contents out of any article ever to be posted too.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

also im going to organize things a lot more.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Forums -> Gaming, Technology, Politics, Music, Miscallenous, Specific Threads || Social -> Clones, Unique || Something like this, highly detailed and practically anyone could use it for what they want. I may even make an actual note of the link count in the end due to the sheer amount of links I could put if I wanted to.

If you're protestant, perhaps it's time to become Eastern Orthodox.
The ability to read+write is likely one of, if not the greatest skill humanity has ever obtained. Now as to how it took so long is what I wonder
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

Thinking of it now, it seems so obvious that a reading+writing system could come in handy. Although I presume most knowledge was passed down orally and people were too busy with hunter-gathering stuff, so reading+writing wasn't even on the radar let alone an actual possible thing to do. Hell, literacy probably only became common within the past 100 years or so.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

At least, literacy beyond very basic things like signs.

lotus-cube 2 weeks ago

There's a story about an egyptian king who was approached by Thoth. Thoth said he'd invented a system by which people would remember everything forever, but the king said that the letters would kill people's memory.

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Testing testing ершы шы ф еуые
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

yay I managed to get the russian letters working on my keyboard :D now let me go further with this testing. Also i need to now learn russian if i want to use it

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

i need to get keyboard stickers for this soon i presume if i would like to do this. Also i put my keybind to switch between English and russian on the menu-button on my keyboard so that way it wont actually affect anything yet i can easily switch to the russian language (цущфцуфыуфы)

will i get to mine and perhaps even craft in the revolution?
"Southern USA is bad" mfs when I steal their organs, skin them alive, and make them do slave labor with Cocomelon in the background
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

The only things bad about southern USA is the heat and that most of the states are majority-minority while those that aren't are approaching such status.

chipsfunfun 2 weeks ago

nah everyone in texas is WHITE AF what u talking bout

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dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@chipsfunfun would say otherwise, also where tf you went because last i was in Texas it was majority Mexicans and blacks.

I should get a dual English-Russian keyboard. QWERTY-US and йцукен layout in one (i would just get key-stickers and edit my current keyboard settings, but its a laptop keyboard with several keys that sometimes just dont even work properly)
dc-blog 2 weeks ago

I presume I can make it so that way on Arch Linux, pressing certain keys switches my keyboard from typing English to Russian characters and vice versa because if I can do that, that makes things far easier rather than needing two keyboards to do what is essentially a basic task.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

the only concern i have with Dual English-Russian is whether this'll affect actually typing certain characters that could be useful or not such as specific brackets, but I likely doubt it would be such (as long as <>,.?/;:'"[{}] still worked basically)

The font-size by default is 12px, however, 16px would allow me to make it actually readable even for people with bad vision. So the question remains, should I use my first bit of JS to allow for the increase+decrease of font-size?
cidoku 2 weeks ago

bro, browsers can already increase and decrease font size on their own

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@cidoku for the normies too retarded to do that themselves. simple button that easily switches it, probably won't take much JS at all, maybe possible with media queries via CSS but i dont want to break a future chance to make it work with the DSi+Wii (who's users actually are more than you'd think)

didntask 2 weeks ago

This is how it starts 💀


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