Digital Cheese's Website

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Deleted nearly 400 tweets as of now lets goooo ive stil got more to do tho
thx for follow :D
We're already almost at the end of the summer (I go back around August 8th), so unless I get to be homeschooled this year, damn I failed to do everything I wanted to do and idk how. I guess I can read the 5 books still if I hurry but still.
dc-blog 1 week ago

I also might not fail at doing the video-creation if I get lucky, but we'll see. I need to continue writing the scripts, ive only got one actual video script written so far.

dc-blog 1 week ago

I have ideas though for once, although i need to write before I lose them or hate the idea and not do it. Also, i might manage to do 6 soon IF MY OTHER DAMN LAPTOP WILL QUIT BEING A USELESS PIECE OF SHIT

dc-blog 1 week ago

Wait a minute, I can still do 3, finish 4, 6, and 7 if I hurry (listed btw). 2 im screwed on outside maybe getting some more French progress if i fix my audio, 1 im screwed on, 5 i wasnt even close to doing so im not too mad about it.

dc-blog 1 week ago

it might not be entirely over after all, but we'll see. next year, since i know i have another bag available i could use, im going to try bringing my laptop around often so im not entirely stuck on just Chromebooks.

dc-blog 1 week ago

i refuse to get a new smartphone if im not required to get one and i need a way to type something actually useful, so spare laptop it is. i could consider getting a spare lighter laptop and ofc running Arch, this would be good so nothing would be found if they searched my device

thanks for the follow :D
im going to create usa.html because i love america (no this isnt related to Trump or anything its just a random i love usa page and im going to make fun of all the other countries)
arandomsite 1 week ago

most american neocities post

dc-blog 1 week ago

@arandomsite fr fr. USA > Every Other Country

lets gooo twitter/x finally let me download my account data now i can begin to en masse purge tweets :D
The masculine urge to go to a random country in Africa and become the king, then make it a white ethnostate which is walled off from the rest of the continent so no one (especially jews and blacks) can get in.
Thanks for the follow :D
I swear one day in the future I'm just going to have two office keyboards always connected to my computer. One for Latin+Greek+Cryllic+Japanese(Kana) and the other for Hebrew+Yiddish+Arabic+Korean. And then I'll have an additional keypad for all of the extra phonetic letters and stuff like that.
lukaszone 2 weeks ago

I couldn’t imagine what the keys would look like once you put the stickers on.

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

@lukaszone Latin, Greek, and Cryllic scripts wouldn't actually look too crazy together. The letters would be small, but keep in mind that I'd have mastered the keyboard layouts anyways meaning I will rarely have to look at them, if ever. I will likely have Korean instead of Japanese Kana on the first keyboard though, since its actually reasonable. I'll need a 3rd keyboard for Japanese kana most likely thinking now

dc-blog 2 weeks ago

As a result, I'll have like 4 keyboards. This actually wouldn't take too much desk-space, however I'd need a place for my mouse unless I go fully terminal by then or if I find another (usable) way to do things.


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