Digital Cheese's Website

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Update: HexChat is the only area where I'm willing to not go full-terminal despite it being perfectly possible (unlike browsers). It works damn well and I actually know how to use it unlike WeeChat
graybox 1 day ago

i used weechat for a little bit. it was so confusing to the point it made me feel dumb lmao

cidoku 1 day ago

The enlightened choice of IRC client is Microsoft Comic Chat, actually

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dc-blog 28 minutes ago

@cidoku XD

Fuck it, going with HexChat over WeeChat (somehow, it seems to be a smaller-size anyways)
Bring back literacy tests for voting
dc-blog 3 days ago

English only, or at least only Latin (as Latin is used in law and it's what languages like Spanish, French, Italian, etc are based off of).

Email, IRC, Forums, And Video-Game Voice-Chat will easily be my most frequent communication in the future, outside 3DSPaint and Neocities. To be honest, if it weren't for me wanting my domains, I'd likely not even have my TextNow number because I simply wouldn't need it. So long as I keep my domains, I've gotta keep it, but otherwise I'd delete my account there and for the first time since I believe 10, I'd have no
dc-blog 3 days ago

phone number to my name. If the domains weren't useful, I'd actually want to not use a number at all. Although I don't have to verify an actual number via codes so I could probably just be fine, but still.

They should unironically teach Greek instead of Spanish in schools. They'll find a way to fuck it up I bet as well, but Greek would be way cooler. At least Latin since thats still frequently used for legal terms anyways and languages such as Spanish and French are based off it.
cidoku 3 days ago

Yeah I agree. The fewer gringos that can ruin my language, the better

dc-blog 3 days ago

@cidoku FR. I only notice an increase of Spanish usage starting in the 90s, they ONLY started teaching it frequently around the 1990s in America, and now (in my school) you can't even have an actual French teacher, just online courses for it. Its insane XD

connor7000 1 day ago

Greek is a useless language that's hard to learn compared to something like Spanish

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Re( >Inflation by Elle Salter | LMAOOOOOOOOOOO. >Self Portrait by Indya Blount | Spell it out with me. N
112 pennies, 35 nickels, 22 dimes, and 17 quarters (US coins)
dc-blog 5 days ago

Also yes, I'm going to sort my coins by type in different plastic-bags. Its insane how many coins I just find on the ground, hell I found like $0.50 minimum today off the ground.

Give me some fun email mailing lists to join, no don't suggest's list as I'm already in that one.
thx for follow :D
jackofall 6 days ago

no problem :)


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