Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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I'm not putting any pressure on myself to put all my characters through the midsummer quests. I'm just doing them as I feel like it. My mood has taken a downturn this week.
The repeatable quest line that I like most at the moment has to be the Further Adventures of Bilbo Baggins. Wish they would do another quest line involving Bingo like that. The Bingo quest lines capture the spirit of the Hobbit in many ways.
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The midsummer festival in lotro isn't my favourite one. For ages now, I have only been doing these festival events for figments of splendour (and to level my main character up when I need it to progress on to later levels) but the festival area is too big for my patience, takes ages traveling to places and you don't get a lot of figments for your troubles - much less than in other festivals. My favourite are the
bright-eyes 2 years ago

halloween/harvest/fall festival in October and the the Yule one in December and January.

bright-eyes 2 years ago

The wedding event is nice, but it doesn't count towards your daily that you need to complete a number of times to get the figments, which negates the purpose of doing it, really.

Just read a tweet where someone said that they don't recall any character in sci-fi and fantasy wearing glasses for their eye sight apart from Harry Potter... Well... There's Daniel Jackson in Stargate, Viki Nelson in Blood Ties/The Blood Series (she's going blind due to a degenerative eye condition.) There's Geordi La Forge in Star Trek who is blind. If I recall correctly, both Giles and Wesley from Buffy/Angel
bright-eyes 2 years ago

wear glasses.

There was a time when you used to be able to get designs from different cultures (such as Ancient Egypt ones) and wildlife from other countries, for example, but I have noticed a recent tendency for everything to be heavily British (or in the case of US mags like Just Cross Stitch, heavily white American based.) That's fine in itself, but it's sad if other influences are lost.
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Last year, many magazine publishers stopped producing some craft mag titles - among them were some cross stitch magazines. Though it was sad to see those titles go, it isn't entirely a bad thing - one of the mags that I have been getting on and off since 1995 (my mum started getting them that year) had been getting very boring and formulaic in the designs they published in their mag - there were a lot of boring -
bright-eyes 2 years ago

modern designs that covered the same themes constantly and weren't appealing to stitch. Now, a year on, the mag has started to become more interesting again because there are less places for designers to submit their pieces and less pages to fill so better designs are published. It's kind of like TV when satellite and digital came about in the '90s. Channels became crap because lots of boring and mediocre programmes

bright-eyes 2 years ago

were made to fill in the extra time that broadcasting companies suddenly had. Hopefully, cross stitch will be revived and designs I like will be easier to come across again.

If there is one phrase that I've come to despise recently it is the 'new normal'. It's often used to describe the apocalyptic climate change/pollution/extinction/habitat destruction crisis that we are currently going through, and more recently, the pandemic. Last week a girl was murdered in our town and it's been used to describe how her family should cope with their loss. There is no 'new normal'...
bright-eyes 2 years ago

It isn't adequate to describe what's happening to the planet, or to the pandemic and it certainly isn't adequate to describe the aftermath of loosing someone, regardless of the circumstances of the loss. Life is not 'normal' when there is someone missing from it. It never is, and never will be. That loss will always be there. In retrospect, life can only be considered 'normal' for a child that's yet to experience -

bright-eyes 2 years ago

the loss of someone in their life as their parents and people who are older than them will have at some stage, experienced a loss.

Wish we could go away on Friday because the neighbours are going to have a football party. Hope it lags it down so we can at least get some peace and quiet.
I'm going to finish reading Battle Ground (aka, the rest of Peace Talks) and then start one of the Egyptian books I've got recently.
I have some new housing items in LOTRO that I'm going to place in Lofnheid's hobbit kinship house. I'll put up pics once it's complete.

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