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arcadiandreamer 2 years ago

I refuse to host my little pages for my tumblrs on carrd. I have a personal webhost for a REASON damn it.

Having flashbacks to when I told my 1st grade teacher the other kids were stealing my pencils and her response was to ban any pencils that weren't #2 yellow pencils from class (specifically she said that Lisa Frank pencils were banned). wonder the other kids hated me. I was responsible for Lisa Frank getting banned from the class room in *1998*
arcadiandreamer 2 years ago

(yes, I'm old)

meggieport 2 years ago

i got the gameboy banned @ my school, this is v relatable

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My existence has been consumed by Bloodborne PSX. I'm in love with it. The sheer *nostalgia* makes me so happy.
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Aha so I disappeared for a while because I was kind of in the hospital because I had a kidney infection that went septic. at home again now, everything should be fine bt I have to take antibiotics every 6 hrs
bugcreature 2 years ago

Glad to hear you're okay, that's a really scary thing to have happen. Hoping for a quick recovery!

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meggieport 2 years ago

that's so scary, going septic is serious!! I'm glad you're doing okay now

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arcadiandreamer 2 years ago

@bugcreature: Thank you so much!

arcadiandreamer 2 years ago

@meggieport : thank you! same! it was legit terrifying to hear and I absolutely spent at least a few hours the first night terrified of what might happen. thankfully i got a really good team of doctors >o<

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Added a warning to the index for flashy graphics and autoplay music. idk why the SMC player isn't working on the page on *my* pc but it might work for others. Also happily found that the site displays pretty well on mobile if it's in landscape mode!
arandomsite 2 years ago

Did u link ur scm player to a yt link?

arandomsite 2 years ago

so i checked and t is a yt link so as i said like 2 months ago, yt links don't work with scm player. it has to be an mp3 or ogg file or somthing like that

trying out a bunch of different designs for the homepage πŸ€” struggling with my desire to make EVERY PAGE unique or give the whole site a unified theme [sigh] I know the shrines will all have their own theme but the rest of the site? IDK.
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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedAug 20, 2021
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nostalgia gothic ocs art writing