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Added a warning to the index for flashy graphics and autoplay music. idk why the SMC player isn't working on the page on *my* pc but it might work for others. Also happily found that the site displays pretty well on mobile if it's in landscape mode!
arandomsite 2 years ago

Did u link ur scm player to a yt link?

arandomsite 2 years ago

so i checked and t is a yt link so as i said like 2 months ago, yt links don't work with scm player. it has to be an mp3 or ogg file or somthing like that

trying out a bunch of different designs for the homepage ๐Ÿค” struggling with my desire to make EVERY PAGE unique or give the whole site a unified theme [sigh] I know the shrines will all have their own theme but the rest of the site? IDK.
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Wrote a new blog post! also did a bunch of other updates :D
Added new page "The Media Room" - mostly just a list of my favorite media (minus music)
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Okay I have the layout for the new homepage planned out but I'm gonna save it for later lmao.
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I am the worst. I'm having to sit here and resist the urge to redo every single page on the website and do each one in its own style instead of having a consistent style across the majority of the site... [falls over] I JUST finished updating it lmao.
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arcadiandreamer 2 years ago

I'm probably going to give and do it just because I'd rather spend all my time coding my website than being on social media at this point

Website Stats

Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedAug 20, 2021
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art writing nostalgia ocs gothic