Wii Shop Channel

52,809 updates
2 tips
I just found out that the search feature does actually work! I didn't even change any code for it. If you click the search button, type the search, and hit enter, it'll work. You just can't see what you're typing.
I think I'm gonna delete the manuals I uploaded. Apparently Neocities has a limit to the number of files you can have, and the manuals aren't that important anyway.
vukky 1 year ago

always wanted to know how 2 controller

1 like
wiishopchannel 1 year ago

If I'm being honest I have no idea what this is. I currently have a program uploading a massive amount of data to the site, which I assume is why this has 48,000 updates.

vukky 1 year ago

it's the manual for airport mania: first flight, based on the URL and the "return" link at the bottom

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedSep 22, 2022
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shop wii recreation channel videogames